Code of conduct

This agreement explains the standards of behaviour that we all expect from each other to ensure our charity is well run and everyone is kept safe.

This charity code of conduct applies to all trustees, volunteers, employees, contractors, and third-party representatives of J W Sly & Sons (Northleach) Charitable Trust (the “Charity”). Its requirements should be reflected in other policies and procedures, agreements and contracts, as necessary.

Legal Duty

Trustees have a legal duty to:

● Act in the charity’s best interests
● Manage the charity’s resources responsibly
● Act with reasonable care and skill

Charity Trustee Code of Conduct

As a board, collectively and individually, we will:

● Act legally and properly - by acting with integrity, honesty, within the law and our governing document, our policies and in the charity’s best interests at all times.

● Involve ourselves actively - and accept our fair share of responsibilities. We will make full efforts to attend all meetings and where we cannot attend explain in advance why we are unable to.

● Consider our needs for induction, training and development, and will undertake relevant training.

● In the interests of open governance, provide our full names, date of appointment, terms of office, roles, attendance records, relevant business and pecuniary interests, which may be published on the charity’s website and/or the Charity Commission’s website

● Record any pecuniary or other business interest (including those related to people we are connected with) that we have in connection with the charity’s business, and if any such conflicted matter arises in a meeting we will offer to leave the meeting for the appropriate length of time.

● Create a safe space– in which everyone is encouraged and feels able to speak.

● Positively challenge– each other, but avoid being confrontational - saying ‘no’, ‘that won’t work’.

  • Instead, we ask open questions that will help us work together to explore/test an idea, or suggestion - who, what, when and how, but not why, which can come across as accusatory).

● Think, then speak– what can I say succinctly that will most help the Board?

● Feel able to ask the questions that need to be– there is no elephant in the room or, if there is, we’re all working together to get it out.

● Act strategically– by thinking externally and longer term.

● Focus on solutions– by talking about the past, only to learn from it, avoid talking about what we can’t do and, instead, focus on what we could do.

● Welcome differing viewpoints - respect each other’s right to hold a different opinion and recognise our own right to do so too.

● Don’t make assumptions– about who someone is, but rather respond based on the facts/content of what he/she said.

● All contribute- the contribution of the young, old, or those with lived experience is different to that of the professionals but isn't less than.

  • Everyone has something to give and something to learn.

  • And no one person is allowed to dominate the conversation to the exclusion of others.

● Are slow to take offence – and quick to apologise, always.

● Give permission– to everyone else to remind us when we inadvertently stray from the above.

● Accept our responsibility – for ensuring that everyone is treated fairly, with respect and kept safe from harm.

● We will observe complete confidentiality - when matters are deemed confidential and we will ensure all confidential papers are held and disposed of appropriately.

Ceasing to be a Trustee

● We understand that the requirements relating to confidentiality will continue to apply after a trustee leaves office

Breach of this Code of Conduct

● If we believe this code has been breached, we will raise this issue with the chair and the chair will investigate; the charity will only use suspension/removal as a last resort after seeking to resolve any difficulties or disputes in more constructive ways.

● Should it be the chair that we believe has breached this code, another trustee, such as a vice chair will investigate.

Volunteer Code of Conduct

Volunteers must:

● Act with integrity and honesty.

● Ensure that you are aware of and comply with the charity’s policies.

● Undertake any necessary training for your role.

● Listen to and respect other staff, volunteers, beneficiaries and other stakeholders.

● Promote relationships that are based on openness, honesty, trust and respect.

● Treat everyone fairly and without prejudice or discrimination.

● Ensure language is appropriate and not offensive or discriminatory.

● Ensure any equipment is used safely and for its intended purpose.

● Challenge any unacceptable behaviour and report any breaches of this Code of Conduct or any concerns without delay to a trustee.

● Report any allegations/suspicions of abuse or fraud.

● Respect everyone’s right to personal privacy and ensure that any personal information is kept secure and not disclosed.

● Volunteers are not obligated to work at specific times, but if you commit to doing something and are unable to, ensure that the charity is made aware as soon as possible.

Volunteers must not:

● Allow concerns or allegations to go unreported.

● Develop inappropriate relationships such as contact with children or vulnerable people that is not a part of the work of the Charity or agreed with the trustees.

● Share your personal contact details (mobile number, email or address) or have contact with a beneficiary or vulnerable person via a personal social media account.

● Make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of anyone.

● Act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive.

● Make inappropriate promises to young or other vulnerable people, particularly in relation to confidentiality.

This Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Charity’s Conflict of Interest Policy.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees : 14th May 2023

Signed by the Chair : C Hancock