
Slys Close

The two terraces of houses in Slys Close were our first development – built with good size rooms, high ceilings, oak framed windows, underfloor heating and provided with air-source heat pumps.  Our refurbishment of Slys barn followed, providing two one bedroom houses to match in with the rest of the Close.

Property Vacancies

Vacancies in our properties are rare, but when a property becomes available to let we will advertise it and provide an application form for anyone to download.


Our refurbishement of Hilmarton was our next big project, transforming this into a modern two bedroom property.  We also own property at Wheelwrights, Carpenters, Wesleyan and the Old Woolhouse, including its café.

Our Archive

Our archive contains the Sly family papers, collected over many years.  They have been professionally catalogued and preserved. A link to the catalogue is here……  You can also access the link via the National Archive at Kew…….  If there is something in it that you would like to see or have a copy of, let us know and we will do our best to make it available for you.