Safeguarding Policy

1. Introduction



The J.W.Sly and Sons (Northleach) Charitable Trust.

As an organisation we believe that no person, but particularly children, young people and adults at risk, should experience abuse or harm and are committed to the protection of vulnerable groups.

Trustees are alert to their responsibilities to protect from risk of harm those with whom the charity comes into contact.

2. Scope of this policy

The objects of the Trust include provision of affordable housing and grant-giving to other organisations. Children, young people and adults at risk may live in properties owned by the Trust or be served by organisations to which the Trust provides grants.

This policy will be applied to all Trustees, staff, agents, contractors, volunteers and anyone connected to the services provided by the Trust.

2.1. Housing owned by the Trust

Trustees, agents and contractors appointed by the Trust may come into contact with vulnerable groups through the execution of duties such as property inspections, meetings with residents or maintenance and restoration activities. Anyone connected to the Trust, including residents, may raise a safeguarding concern.

2.2. Grant recipients or commercial tenants of buildings owned by the Trust

The Trust requires that where services are provided to children, young people and adults at risk, the recipient organisations or tenants have, at minimum, a robust safeguarding policy and procedures and a designated safeguarding lead.

3. The risks to children and young people

Nearly every child grows up in a safe and happy environment and it is important not to exaggerate or overestimate the dangers. Nevertheless, there are situations where children need protection including:

• Sexual abuse

• Grooming

• Physical and emotional abuse and neglect

• Domestic violence

• Inappropriate supervision by staff or volunteers

• Bullying, cyber bullying, acts of violence and aggression within our schools and campuses

• Victimisation

• Self-harm

• Unsafe environments and activities

• Crime

• Exploitation

4. The risks to adults

An adult at risk is an individual aged 18 years and over who:

(a) has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) AND;

(b) is experiencing ,or at risk of ,abuse or neglect

Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by another person or persons. It can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of, the person subjected to it. Any or all of the following types of abuse may be perpetrated as the result of deliberate intent, negligence, omission or ignorance.

• Physical

• Sexual

• Emotional/Psychological/Mental

• Neglect and acts of Omission

• Financial or material abuse

• Discriminatory

• Organisational / Institutional

• Self-neglect

• Domestic Abuse (including coercive control)

• Modern slavery

5. Raising and Managing a Concern

• Where a child, young person or adult at risk is at immediate risk of serious harm, any adult present should dial 999. Thereafter the designated Safeguarding Lead should be contacted as soon as is reasonably practicable.

• Where there is a safeguarding concern but no immediate risk of serious harm the adult who has heard or witnessed this concern should consult with the Safeguarding Lead as soon as possible and no later than the end of that same day.

• Where a child, young person or adult at risk makes a disclosure relating to harm or abuse, it is important to:

o listen carefully and calmly, showing that their views are takens eriously

o provide an appropriate and honest level of reassurance

o avoid interrogating the person and asking probing ,intrusive and/all leading


o avoid making false promises regarding secrets and confidentiality

o make a confidential written record of the discussion either during the discussion or

immediately afterwards. The record should include the key details of the disclosure together with any relevant times, dates, this is and people concerned. Audio and video recordings of disclosures should be avoided

o refer all relevant information to the Safeguarding Lead as soon as practicable and by no later than the end of the day

o on receipt of any safeguarding concern the Safeguarding Lead shall consult with any other relevant persons and will make any appropriate referrals to the relevant authorities, such as the applicable Local Authority.

6. Recording and Information Sharing, Confidentiality and Data Protection

All safeguarding concerns, discussions, decisions made and the reasons for those decisions, will be recorded in writing.

All personal information the Trust may process, shall be processed and stored in accordance with, GDPR and our data protection privacy policy. Confidential items will be held securely and only available to those who have a right or a professional need to see them.

7. Training and development

The Safeguarding Lead will receive training, which will be updated as necessary.

Any agents, contractors, staff and volunteers will be made aware of the Safeguarding Policy and will receive appropriate training if applicable.

8. Other Policies

This safeguarding policy should be read together with the following policies and resources:

• Data protection privacy policy

• Code of conduct policy

• Complaints policy

• Health and safety policy

• Risk management policy and risk register

9. Designated safeguarding lead

The designated safeguarding lead Trustee is Patrick Sanders, who can be contacted at:

10. Monitoring and Enforcement of Policy

The requirements set out within this Policy shall be monitored by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Charity. This Policy will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees annually.

Signature of chair: C Hancock

Date of signature/ratification of policy: 10th September 2024 Date that next review is due: 10th September 2025